This is a lengthy, because I cover a 3 minute YouTube video piece by piece. Here is a link to Part I.
& Friends:
Again they say 20% even though it is 17%. I'm just hoping the guy knows that Wiccanism isn't a word like he did the other video. It is Wicca.
They point out that there are not many Pagans/Wiccans, and why not join it if it is small. First, some go by - To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Be Silent. We don't parade it around and announce it. Despite the law here in the US, and the lack of information people know; we tend to keep it a secret. If you are proud, why keep it a secret Let me pint you out to the Burning Times/Salem Witch Trials where people were killed if they thought they were a witch. People can still get fired, other places have Witchcraft as a crime, and some are still killed for it. That is why we don't share, and if we do, there's the phrase - Coming out of the broom closet. Secondly, don't join a religion because it is small. That is just as stupid as doing it for the number of holidays.
Its bizarre that there are 20 holidays for Wiccans? Okay if you add in the full moons there is 20, but not everyone considers that and sometimes there are 13 full moons in a year. I don't think it is bizarre if the University has the balls to take a step closer for people understanding the religion, and accepting it.
"On a really bad day, I might turn into one. I don't know." It is not an emotion, or a switch you can flip at random! You also say you don't know any Wiccans. So why make statements about them as if it was fact?
The Lady said there is 80% of world population that are Christian. Here's what this pie chart says...
"It is less about elevating other religions and other individuals, and its more about deluding the dynamic what's important in people's lives." The hell? Is religion not important in people's lives? The University is putting Paganism and Wicca out there in way better light then this news station is, and is helping people realize it isn't a bad thing.
Pagans are anti establishment, and they don't need to recognize us. Ummm....No. We aren't against establishment or society. How did one conclude such a statement? The establishment enforces the law, freedom of religion is one of those laws that we really love. We need the recognition to stop prejudice, to stop being fired for a religious practice. So people don't shun you or tell you you are going to hell because you believe in a certain religion. I think it is a good thing if they do.
"How can name 8 Wiccan holidays?" I thought you said there was 20? Still can name them: Beltaine, Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Litha, Mabon, Ostara. Can you be consistent at least if you are going to be wrong.
"There's like 10 of them." and they out number all the other religions individual holidays. So we lost 12 holidays, and now gained two to get 10. We out number other religion holidays? Even with 10, Christians and Judaism each have 11 in the guide! We don't pass anyone, and when did this become a holiday contest?
There are ways to get out of school, and people would think we are crazy for asking Halloween off. Yes there are ways to get out of school, but Easter and Christmas is off for Christians. So why not for other religious holidays? Yule is in winter break already, because the date is so close to Christmas. I informed my teachers ahead of time that I was taking Halloween off. I didn't get any crazy or weird looks. One, the follow the rules questions everything kind of teacher, asked why. I told him flat out that it was a religious holiday. The next class day we watched a video about the history of Halloween (note: this was in a history class). It isn't crazy to ask that day off. At least she knows the weird looks are insulting.
"If you are Atheist or a Pagan isn't everyday a holiday?" When did atheists get into this? And yes everyday is a gift. There are other religions (at least one that I can't remember the name of) that don't celebrate any holidays, because everyday is a celebration. I'm pretty sure you should celebrate that you have a blood flow, oxygen in your lungs, and other signs of life in your body. Yes we celebrate nature. Sometimes when we cook, take nature walks, volunteering, gardening: those are ways to celebrate it. We don't have to make 365 holidays to celebrate it. Just in daily tasks is enough.
"Only a country that has been too rich for too long, can be this frivolousness and silly." Too rich? Last time I checked we were in debt for 4 trillion dollars, and it increases fast then we can lower it. And it hasn't really been that long. How is it silly to recognize a growing religion, or any religion for that matter. There is nothing wrong with it, and it isn't silly.
"So they hate Orthodox Christianity, that's kind of what it comes down to." - Guy There is no hate. Why would this be hate to another religion, by recognizing another? That's egotistical for a religion. Making it about another religion, don't flatter it. It has nothing to do with it!
"Its about Pagans and Wiccan being used for a political agenda to down grade what's important to the majority of Americans." Used? Being recognized in a University in a good way is being used? That is silly! Down grade what's important? You seem to know what all Americans seem to think is important. Please do tell me. I thought it was things like family, career, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment (those are general and don't work for all, and differ according to the person). Being able to have the day free of stress to celebrate a religious holiday fits the spiritual fulfillment part! It isn't down grading a thing. Would you like it if winter break was in November at Thanksgiving time, and you had to go to school on Christmas? I don't think you would. You would protest, boycott, do petitions, and just take that day off. Think of how we feel.
"This is an anti-tradition action. I think Pagans and Wiccans should be very angry about being used by the establishment. And I think that...there should be a backlash. Look the tradition of this country is what allows people to be Pagans and Wiccans to enjoy their lives freely. Good luck doing that in any other country."
Anti-tradition show freedom of religion by recognizing it is against tradition. It used to be tradition to burn someone for being accused of being a Witch, it used to be tradition for women not to vote, it was tradition to have slaves, to have different bathrooms because of skin color, to kick people out of their land, and it was tradition to have no airbags in a car. Yet tradition changed, and so did the laws. They even changed for the better. Yet keeping the tradition of freedom of religion is anti-tradition. Please think before opening your mouth.
Again we are not being used. Recognition isn't bad. I think more colleges should follow the footsteps of University of Missouri. They are a great role model in this, and took a step forward that others should follow. We aren't going to backlash. First that's really bad karma. Second they did a good thing, so there is no need. What you probably didn't think is how much of a backlash your words would bring.
It isn't tradition that allows Pagans and Wiccans to enjoy life freely (like everyone else does). It is the law that people have fought and died for that gave us freedom. That became tradition, and it changes as the world changes and people become more accepting and understanding.
Other countries have Pagan and Wiccans. They originated in Europe and Africa. Some follow the Egyptian path (Africa), others follow Norse, Celtic Greek, Roman, and Druid paths (Europe). Both Celtic and Druids are known to be the first Pagans. They are everywhere just like Christianity is.
"You wouldn't want to see Wiccans when they are angry." We react like everyone else. We get pissed, frustrated, scream/yell, or whatever people do when they are upset. We wont curse you or your future children/generations. That is bad karma. How do you like the anger they have showed to your lack of knowledge?
The Guide link is for the guide of the University so you can see the holidays they have listed, and learn more about them. Fox is for Part I, it is a YouTube video. & Friends is a YouTube video I cover in this section. Humors Approach is a funny video I found of commentary from a Pagan/Wiccan (not sure which and don't want to accidentally state the wrong thing). He gives good information in a good humorous why. Informative is another long video that goes over a lot more information. I think it is really good to take the time to watch. It is down in a (what seems like) an unbiased manner. The last link, Petition, is of the petition people signed for them to do a formal apology. Though it is closed, I think if nothing is done, maybe more people will support and redo the petition.
Note: I do understand that the first video is a talk show, which is other people opinions. However, you should still have the correct facts if talking about something. That is why I signed the petition. I think if you are going to state an opinion live you should know the true facts and due a tad bit of research.
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